Livermore BC

Eight Is Enough Swiss Teams

We use a unique format for Swiss Teams in the club called "Eight Is Enough".  It is designed to produce closer, more exciting games that are fair and easy to participate in.  Here is how it works.

Eight is Enough

Each player has a value of 1, 2, or 3.  Two values will be announced that classify the players into 3 levels.  To illustrate, suppose these are 500 and 1500. Then:
  1. You have less than 500 master points, you're a 1;
  2. If you have more than 500 but less than 1500 master points, you're a 2; and,
  3. If you have 1500 or more master points, you're a 3.

Non-ACBL members with outside experience should request a classification from the Club Manager.

Each team may contain players worth 8 points, or less.  The points used are those of the month before the game is held. For example, for a game held August 15, the points would be those from the July 6 update.

The Leftover Cheese

The club manager will ensure that there is both a Director and a Leftover Cheese, a volunteer, possibly bribed, who will agree to be present. The Leftover Cheese will play with any single player if that will make an even number of pairs. He will partner the director if they together will make an even number of pairs. Otherwise, the Leftover will not be able to play but may kibitz, eat food, and caddy.  If the manager cannot avoid making a team with 9 points, he may be forced to do so. 

No Social Skills Required

Players may arrive as singles (not sure to play), pairs (sure to play), or teams (sure to play).  Once the Director has the entries, he figures out how to pair any teams that did not enter as whole teams, thus ensuring that the social skills to find teammates are not required.


There will be two strats based on the total value of the players on the team, with total masterpoints used to break ties where needed to produce two same-sized starts.  
Typically teams with 7 and 8 points will find themselves in strat A.  This classification is at the discretion of the Director.

The Big Cheese

Annually in October, "The Big Cheese" prizes will be awarded to the best all-around performance in the two Club Appreciation Swiss games.  The Odd Man Out receives the Odd Cheese Award. The awards are posted to the Cheese Board of Honor.